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Conversion MV Munsterland

Photo: Mark Prummel (website Niestern Sander)

Thursday 4th of July shipyard ‘Koninklijke Niestern Sander’ and ‘AG Ems’ signed an agreement to execute the conversion of the passenger vessel ‘Münsterland’, including an update to LNG powered propulsion. For this innovative project the shipyard received a contribution from the EU fund for regional developments.

The original vessel was built in 1986. For the conversion a completely new aftship will be designed which will include the dual fuel engines, LNG storage tank, all LNG installations, propulsion and new salons. This completely new aftship, with all new equipment, will replace the existing part of the ‘Münsterland’.

To be able to perform this conversion, Groot Ship Design is contracted to assist in developing the new aftship by supplying the naval architecture and construction engineering. Because the vessel is over 30 years old, it is quite a challenge for our naval architects to design and merge the new part with the existing part of the ‘Münsterland’.  The only way to make this a success is working in very close cooperation with the shipyard, owners, classification society and flagstate. The result is a new design fitting the expectations of all parties involved.

Impression of the construction model of the ‘Münsterland’

’To allow Niestern Sander to prepare the best possible building strategy, the 3D CADMATIC model and construction plans were provided in an early stage. At this moment the dedicated subcontractors are using the 3D CADMATIC model to perform pipe-, cabletray- and ventilation duct- routings. The shipyard is completing the model with the remaining steel outfitting. After all relevant information is included in the model, Groot Ship Design will continue with finalizing the section drawings and prepare the production and cutting documentation.

Plan is to have the new ‘Münsterland’ delivered back to her owners in first half of 2021.

For further information click here.